Women’s Day Special: Author Moushumi Bhattacharjee shares her thoughts

A teacher who loves her profession and feel proud to be a contributor, though in a small way, in future building of the nation. A lover of literature, she loves to express her thoughts through her writings. Her articles, short stories and poems have been published in several newspapers, magazines and journals. Presently she is Associate Editor of NAMASTE INK, an international magazine.
Q1.what are the most important challenges that women face today?
Ans: Age old prejudices and discriminations are the biggest challenges women are facing despite their capacity to execute the toughest job. Even if they are highly educated their efficiency is still questioned. It took more than 70 years for India to give commission ranks to women officers in Indian Army. And till date USA couldn’t appoint a woman to the post of the President, where modernity came much earlier than most of the countries of the world. Sexism should end , as we know both man and woman are equally important for this humankind to survive.

Q2. What needs to be changed in next five years?
Ans: Violence against women has to be curbed. An woman is not safe even in her home also. We hear about domestic violence every now and then around us. A society cannot prosper without a happy home. And a happy home is that where a woman lives without any fear. So let’s stop violence in every sphere and make our world a better place to live in.
Q3. What is your greatest strength?
Ans: My greatest strength is my belief in myself. Though I’m never aggressive or assertive, but I know how to prove my part when I feel I’m right. I have the courage to face any problem or criticism that come my way without hurting others.
Q4. Women Empowerment : How pertinent the idea is?
Ans: Women Empowerment means equipping women with education, confidence and a good life. Women should have the right to participate in education, society, economic activity and politics. They should have the freedom to choose their own lifestyle. They must have a say in crucial matters of family, society and the world. But that doesn’t mean that they get the power to dishonour nature’s law and lead their life according to their own wishes.
Q5. Rape cases are in rise in India between rampant protestations. Who is to be blamed according to you?
Ans: It’s the whole system to be blamed. Education system, parenting, policies of government, indifferent attitude of the society, economic disparities, etc. are responsible for the rise of rape cases in India and in the world. The society is losing its ethics, its values. People are least bothered about the pain and worries of their brethren now a days , and that really hurts.
Q6. On recent #metoo movement, your opinion?
Ans: I appreciate the endeavour of activist Tarana Burke against sexual harassment and sexual assault. This movement enthralled many powerful personalities of the world and they are trying to empower women through empathy, especially young and vulnerable women. Thousands of young men and women are joining this movement everyday to show solidarity with the victims. Awareness about this heinous crime is increasing, and more and more people are talking openly about this. But it should not become a fashion to tag oneself #metoo without following and believing its underlying principles, otherwise it will lose its effect in the long run.
Q7. Peaceful parenting v/s disfunctional couple parenting?
Ans: A child needs the comfort lap of both the parents. But still peaceful single parenting is far healthier than a chaotic, messy relationship.
Q8. Your take on the recent film , ‘Thappad’, that is meant to be slap on chauvinism.
Ans: Though I have not seen the movie yet, but as it begged the headlines because of its critical take on chauvinism, I read its reviews in several news dailies. I applaud the director’s perspective and congratulate him for addressing such a vital issue of our society. May be in a small way this will make a difference in the attitudes of the members of our society.
Q9. What advice would you give to young women of today?
Ans: Being a teacher I’m able to watch closely the behavior and activities of young girls around me everyday. I feel sometimes the young generation is reeling in a state of confusion. I advise them to have confidence in their individuality. Should not become easy prey to drugs and sex. Life is precious, so it should be lived to its fullest without lamenting for one’s deeds in the end.