A plight of a married women – Since ages


16th January, 2003. Hi, readers. I was a girl with many dreams, and for the first time I felt like every dream of mine would come true when I first saw him. I was never interested in getting married but my parents asked me to just meet this guy Rahul. They were very confident that […]

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Book interview with dentist Dr.Prerna Singla


Dear readers, today we have Dr.Prerna Singla with us on board. Let us talk with her. Can you please introduce yourself to the world of literature? I am a Gurgaon based dental surgeon, entrepreneur, Poet, writer and book reviewer. I am the Founder and Chief Editor of Hall of Poets global community of Poets, artists and […]

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Home sweet home- Satabdi Banerjee


I lend out a room for you, In space of a home I have of own. Dwelling in; I share my living… In hope…shall grow with you! I lend out my trust in you,  With a belief over togetherness… As, sharing is all it takes, To love and nourish my belongingness!!! My home will live […]

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The black and white love story of the sun and moon – Sonam Keswani


People often ask me the reason behind the name of my quotes “black and white stories”, here’s a short tale to define the reason- Sun is scintillating and bright, he is the synonym of ebullience and is full of life. He is the debonair always dressed in WHITE. He is never alone, always surrounded by chaos […]

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Meeting your soulmate – An article by Swarupa Chavan


Who believes in true love? I guess the concept is fast becoming an extinct. There is no time to devote to mushy feelings when there are more practical and worldly dreams to be achieved. The rat race is getting competitive by the day and the heart is scared to venture out in the dream land […]

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