Interview with Sonam Keswani

Dear readers, today I have with us beautiful and gorgeous writer Sonam Keshwani. Let us talk about her newly published book.
You always wanted to become a writer?
When I was a little girl, I use to sit with my mom for hours and tell her long stories; I would narrate to her every bit of my day and every t
hing about my friends. When I got married, there were not many people around me to listen to my stories and I had a three miscarriages one after the other, I needed to talk to some one so I simply started writing.
How long did you take to finish this one book?
It took me two long years to complete the book.
Describe Sonam in day to day life?
I am a house wife and a mom of three years old.
What are your hobbies apart from writing?
Reading is my hobby.
Tell us more about your book ?
I HATE YOU FOR LOVING ME SO MUCH is about loving some one crazily, forgetting your own self in the process of missing the one you love, its about trying to move on and still holding back memories, its about selfless love and pure love. It’s the pinch when you feel when your heart breaks.
How do you manage your writing time?
You won’t believe, but I write only for five minutes a day.
Your favorite writer and why?
Cecelia Ahern, I love the way she mutates feelings into words.
What are your upcoming projects?
Let that be a secret, well I can tell you that it’s not a love story, I want to write different genres and explore my potential.
Your favourite quote?
God has created the serenity to accept what can’t be changed, to change what can’t be accepted and to know the difference between the two.
If your book turns out to be a movie, which actors and actress do you wish to play the character?
Mr. Akshay Kumar to play Vidhaan and Mr. Salman khan to play Daanish and Mrs. Kareena kapoor
Thank you so much Sonam. You are an inspiration to many all married woman out there.