Book Review: Rooh se rooh tak by Vinit Bansal


Rooh se rooh tak is a hindi sensational novel written by Vinit Bansal. If you are the one who likes true love stories with some twist, this is the one you must read. Characters and plot is perfect to keep the reader interested in every page. The story begins with Neel and also talks about the friendship between Neel and Randeep. The feelings of Neel, Aditi and Randeep were brilliantly described in a simplistic manner. This book will give you the essence of true love and feelings for your beloved.  Every chapter is carefully written and words are chosen wisely. I must say this must be the standard of Modern hindi writers. I strongly recommend this novel to every hindi reader.

Rooh se rooh tak by Vinit Bansal

Vinit Bansal is a writer of many books but this one is the most romantic I must say. This work will inspire everyone including those true lovers, sensitive naïve teenage girls, budding writers and more importantly the readers of Hindi.

I just feel cover could have been more attractive. The language used in the book is very simple and lucrative for the common readers.

I must say that this book has the potential to be converted into a film. These are exactly the characters we find in our daily lives. College going students will connect to the book very easily. Author has put in a lot of hard work it seems. The book is well edited and cleanly presented.

If you are a passionate lover and a follower of true love, this book will be an emotional gift for you.

My verdict 4 out of 5.

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