Book interview with Author Devi Raghuvanshi

Hello friends, today we have Devi ji with us on board. He is a writer of matured topics and a man with lot of discipline, ethics and hard work in life. Let us chit chat with him.
Can you please introduce yourself to the world of literature?
I am a professional Engineer. After working for close to 40 years in various corporates, I ventured into writing, out of passion. So far, I have 5 books to my credit duly published; Mohini the Tigress, being the most recent one launched on May 21st, 2017 by Mybooks Publications.

Mr. Devi Raghuvanshi
When did you start writing?
I started writing in Dec 2015
When you published your first book?
My first book “Love Triology, who to Complain” was published on April 18th, 2016. My 2nd book “Love on Ventilator” On May 03rd, 2016, 3rd book “Its ok to fall in love again” on September 16th, 2016, 4th book “The son rose from the west” on Oct 31st, 2016.
Describe Devi Raghuvanshi in day to day life?
I have become more of a husband, than a technocrat, a regular morning walker, reader of every line of daily newspapers, helping my wife with her daily activities partially, think and write at least 4 to 5 pages of my books, Table Tennis and light exercises in the evenings make me complete (in my day to day activities)
What are your hobbies apart from writing?
Well, I am fitness freak, morning walk and Table Tennis in the evenings, following matches of Hockey and Cricket in the evenings is my favorite pastime. I have been a state level athlete so sports have always been a part of my life
Tell us more about your book?
My earlier four books are odd love stories, so to avoid diabetes because of excessive love, I chose to write a fiction on revenge with some message to the society. Mohini of ‘Mohini The Tigress’ is the main character of the book who has been a victim of gang rape. She, unlike many, chose not to keep quiet and avenged it. She not only avenged her rape but avenged the rapes of many other women which were unreported and would have gone unnoticed. Mohini formed a small group of people who were either victims or people who understood the pain. She created a fear in the minds of the criminals. This book provides a message which is loud and clear. So, women must be stronger physically, mentally, emotionally and financially. The society needs to respect women and help widow marriages. This book also suggests people not to take law in their own hands (though Mohini has done it, it was only for fictional purposes)
How do you manage your writing time?
I have time now retiring from active Engineering responsibilities and writing has become one of the most important activities of my day to day life (like hunger or thirst). My writing time is not fixed but if I get some ideas even in the middle of the night, I write it then and elaborate on those points later.
How important physical intimacy is in a relationship?
Modern Day relationships lack commitment and sacrifices. People look at thrills and excitement in relationships. Very few cross over to higher levels. Relationships happen on emotions and certainly not on mathematical calculations and these emotions leads one into physical relationships and then to cheating. According to me, while a woman looks for an emotional connectivity first, a man wants emotions to relate to physical intimacy. It is very difficult to connect on both emotional and physical level without mutual respect and compatibility should not be the sole basis of a relationship as mating is the instinct of animals without commitment. I am very clear in my mind that the desire to satisfy ones owns senses is called lust while the desire to satisfy the senses of others is called, love, the Divine Love
Your favorite writer and why?
Chetan Bhagat is my favorite author for the simple language he uses, touching most of the important issues of the society.
What are your upcoming projects?
I have 2 projects at hand, first “Indu, the parched woman” almost complete and another one which is untitled, to be completed in next 2 months.
Any tips to the upcoming young generation.
I am not too sure whether I can provide to the young generation but based upon my own experiences of life, I would request them to respect women and parents. To the young authors, my advice would be to maintain their own identity and not to copy anyone however big he or she may be, the writing should come from the heart, and last but not the least, the aged parents should also learn to behave.
Devi Raghuvanshi in one sentence.
Devi Raghuvanshi is a simple human being, a responsible writer with an authority.
Thank you Devi Ji for your time and answering my questions honestly.
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