Author Interview with Ch Lady Diana

Hi readers, today we have Ch Lady Diana a fantastic writer with us. Let us chit chat about her work.
Can you please introduce yourself to the world of literature?
Ans: My name is Ch Lady Diana. I was born and brought up in the beautiful valley of Manipur. I have always loved literature particularly because it helped me to express. I call myself a day dreamer.

When did you start writing?
Ans: I have always written short poems or stories for myself. I just never thought of publishing them. The earliest write up, if I remember correctly, dates back to the days when I was 10 or something and I had written about my sleepover experience with my cousins. I also remember that I have always had problems in expressing myself verbally. I have been an introvert and there were phases into that too. So, once I needed to tell my dad about something which I couldn’t express and I ended up writing it in the form of a letter and placing it over his pillow. So writing, to the introvert child that I was, has helped and proved to be therapeutic.
When did you published first?
Ans: I published my first novel The Mirage of Love in 2015. The novel has many questions and observations about the society by a woman. So, it carries the dialectics of a feminist but equally important for anyone who wants to understand individuality.
Describe Diana in day to day life?
Ans: The everyday-Diana is a workaholic. The recurring days make her say, “OMG I can’t be Prometheus.” Monotony kills her and she wants regular changes in her life. She likes to take on different projects and learn new things. She loves her job. She is always eager to learn. She loves to read. The regular Diana wakes up on time to finish some chores and make some time to write in the morning. The regular Diana goes to her office and likes facing challenges and learning anything new. Most of the time, the regular Diana handles her writing career during the time that spans from post-dinner to the wee hours of the night.
What are your hobbies apart from writing?
Ans: I like to watch movies, watch documentaries on Netflix, irritate my sister, dote on my son, cook for my family (when mood commands), explore restaurants and eat something good, read books, etc. I am a warehouse of activities.
Tell us more about your book ?
Ans: Lovin’ A Hero is a romance fiction that explores the complex issues of second love, giving life a second chance, second marriage, parental-trust issues and changing gender roles. It’s a funny narrative so people are actually laughing while reading it. While it is also tied to a string of emotional moments, no different from the ones that we go through during hard times when we start questioning our intelligence, our abilities or we withdraw altogether from any form of human connection because we are not able to rely or trust again and the times when we even think that we are facing some sort of existential crisis. Personally, my favourite moments are the ones with the sky lanterns and the rain moment.
What do you think about modern day relationships?
Ans: Modern day relationships are complex. I think relationships have always been complex. It’s just that today, people are more aware and hence, they express better about their desires, issues, stress, etc. People today are more open to explore. I don’t believe in the fact that the previous generations had better relationships. Young people of today want their relationships to work as much.
Is physical intimacy important in a relationship ?
Ans: Yes, it’s important. Not that it’s the sole important issue nevertheless it’s important.
How do you manage your writing time?
Ans: It’s a lot of running on the treadmill metaphorically speaking. Between raising a kid and a full time job, it’s very difficult to get the much-wanted time to write. Since three years now, or to say more precisely since the time I have focused myself on the writing career, my time to write can happen anytime and anywhere. I take notes on my phone or laptop when I am travelling, the couple of hours in the morning before office is very precious, the hours after everybody has slept is even more precious, writing means your light is always on. Can’t help it. But I enjoy every bit of it. There is no other way I would prefer doing this. I feel very lucky to be around like-minded people. I am in a circle of so many creative minds who keep motivating me even when I am suffering from some kind of mental blockage…so it’s a new kind of lesson every day.
Your favorite writer and why?
Ans: This is the most difficult question. I really don’t know how to answer this one. I am a bookaholic. I like to buy books even when I can’t find the time to read it. I am a literature person, so my muse has always been the Classic writers of Europe. I have studied drama, so I like reading the scripts too. Right from Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, Ibsen to post-colonial works especially by Spivak, to J K Rowling, Amish…all of them are my favourite. Even Sidney Sheldon and Sophie Kinsella. I travel in the metro and if I see somebody reading a book, I am weird enough to sneak a peek at the cover to check it out. I am really not discriminate with authors.
What are your upcoming projects?
Ans: I am currently working on about four projects. The latest one will take a year or more, it’s about livelihood in politically torn places and I am focusing on the cultural and political dialectics of my home state Manipur. It is titled The Vanquished Paradise.
Any tips to the upcoming young generation.
Ans: The most important tip is don’t follow the hysteria. Create your own concepts. Learn to read between the lines and work hard enough to create your own name anywhere you go.
Diana in one sentence.
Ans: I will always be the day-dreamer that I am.
Thank you for the wonderful answers Ms.Daina. Wish you all the very best for your both professional and writing career. For author interviews, please write an email to