Interview with Sneha Rahul Choudhary


Hello Friends,

We are talking to Sneha Rahul Chaudhary and her life as an author.

Q – Sneha, you were quite popular in the literary world and then you suddenly got married and disappeared. Why?

Ans. – I didn’t disappear. I was writing frequently. It was just that I didn’t work on a full-fledged project. I just wanted to spend some quality time with my family and enjoy the new phase of my life. Besides, I was also busy in conducting Interactive Speaking Sessions with various Institutes.

Q – Don’t you think you are promoting identity crisis for women by changing your name especially when you used to be a feminist yourself?

Ans. – I am still a feminist. And the perspective of your question inclines more towards ‘feminazism’ than feminism. Independent identity shouldn’t mean dominance or ignorance of relations. Women who establish themselves independentl
y giving due respect and love to relations are more empowered in my opinion. I changed my pen name to show my love and respect for my husband signifying his importance in my life. My pen name signifies our togetherness, our oneness. It is an entirely personal decision. Besides, my certified surname remains unchanged ever since I got admission in School.

Q – Describe Sneha in day to day life?

Ans. – In day to day life I am a loving wife, doting mother, sincere daughter and sister, caring daughter-in-law, dedicated employee, affectionate friend, a passionate writer and a friendly Speaker. I try to give my fullest in every role of my life also trying to steal some moments for myself. Sometimes, I succeed in balancing all equations, sometimes I figure out some improvements. However, I believe in the culmination of prowess and I am always trying to do the same.

 Q – What are your hobbies apart from writing?

Ans. – I like travelling a lot. Visiting new places always thrills me. Besides, I also love to watch thriller and animation movies and read thriller books. I also like to cook and experiment with new dishes.

Q – How do you manage your writing time?

Ans. – I don’t write regularly. I write whenever I feel like writing. Normally, I write during weekends.

Q – Your favourite writer and why?

Ans. – I like Emily Bronte for her “Wuthering Heights”. Her intensity and gravity are unmatchable. I also like Sidney Sheldon for the thrills he creates and Gyan Chaturvedi for his sarcastic humour. 

Q – What are your upcoming projects?

Ans. – I am working on a psychological thriller fiction and a non-fiction. A Hindi poetry collection is also in pipeline.

Q – Any tips to the upcoming young generation.

Ans. – Work silently on your goals and let your success scream. Don’t let anybody belittle you. Don’t get diverted by illusions. And celebrate your milestones but never get satisfied with yourself. Keep learning and keep evolving. My best wishes!

Q – Sneha in one sentence.

Ans. – Sneha is a magnificent lady with multidimensional personality.

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